![]() 03/25/2015 at 17:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
[DISCLAIMER: This will sound like a think piece because it is one. But stay tuned— I have some fun things to say about where Top Gear should go at the end. Trust me, they're fun.]
Today is an important turning point in Automotive journalism. Jeremy Clarkson's !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , and the response from fans, have been an embarrassment not only to Jezza himself, but to the petrolhead world as a whole. We need to take serious stock of the values of our community, the way we treat one another, and, most importantly, the degree of inclusivity that we project.
It is time to make changes to the level of diversity in the petrolhead world. I do not have statistics available to me (because I'm writing this in class and because I doubt the exist to begin with), but having interacted with numerous wings of the auto journalism world, I can tell that it is largely white and male. You will say that this is the result of self-selection, that it is just a coincidence that we are the main demographic that is interested in cars. But the lack of diversity provides for an unfortunate breeding ground for insensitivity. Just we lament the close-mindedness of forums that focus on one model (or even one generation of one model! looking at you Fox-body bros), we need to make sure that voices aside from those we agree with are heard.Clarkson's comments towards a minority member of his crew, no matter what his private apology may have looked like, were a disgrace to a community that has the potential to be open, inclusive and friendly to all.
But what is even more difficult to swallow is the way that the community as a whole reacted. Members of the petrolhead community, no doubt influenced by their role models, the central figures in this corner of the journalism world, rushed to his defense even when the extent of the allegations against him had come to light. This behavior by members of a community that has been so important to me was heartbreaking. It reflected an imitation of the same insensitivity that Clarkson had routinely displayed. But it does not occur in a vacuum. In order to make sure that our community is open and accepting, significant changes need to be made.
Much of this article so far has focused on the makeup of the community itself. But, in order to make a meaningful impact on the community as a whole, we need to think critically about who leads that community and what kind of influence they have on it. Given the events of the past few days, I think that it is time we think about how we can choose our leadership so that our community becomes one that we want to see. And I think that should start from the very, er, Top Gear.
With the inevitable demise of Top Gear as we know it, we should be looking at ways to diversify the group of presenters. This is not at all to say that we should be changing the focus of the show away from cars, because I believe we can preserve that while also making the show bring a more diverse group into the fold. By taking the stage of the most-watched [mostly] non-fiction show on earth to show the potential of a more diverse petrolhead community, we could make a significant change of the better, demonstrating that this community is open and sensitive to all.
A new Top Gear that opens up its cadre of presenters of people of color and women would be able to bring love of cars, car culture, and the petrolhead community to groups who previously couldn't see themselves being part of it. It would expand the appeal of the show without continuing to dumb it down with silly scripted nonsense. Most importantly, though, it would slowly change the way we talk about minorities in our community, which has clearly become an issue that neither we nor the role models we choose are able to do properly. With a set of presenters that demonstrate the possibility of a broad, open, and sensitive petrolhead community, the car world will be seen as having an open door to all, breaking down stereotypes about our world that are either not true or regrettably true.
Who should be on this diversified Top Gear cast? !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! seem to agree with me that a crew consisting of Idris Elba, Rowan Atkinson, and Jodie Kidd (along with 'ring legend Sabine Schmitz as Stig) could be just one possibility. All four of them are vetted car nuts and come from vastly different worlds. Yet they could all hold their own presenting on the cars we know and love. Sure, it won't be the goofy show we have loved for years, the one that got me hooked on cars, but it could be for new generations. Generations that expect the faces they see everywhere, either of different gender or ethnicity, represented properly in the world around them. Generations that will need to be shown just how meaningful and good the auto community should be.
Granted, it could be said that filling these gaps in our community in this manner might be considered what Jeremy once called !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! but it really isn't for the sake of hiring minorities alone. It's about the image of our community in the eyes of the world, and it's about the degree to which we hold ourselves accountable for !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
If the world continues to see the petrolhead community as a group that places sensitivity to difference in the back seat, it will get even harder to share what we know and love with the people we know and love. And that's what we should keep in mind.
lead image: !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 03/25/2015 at 18:11 |
![]() 03/25/2015 at 18:24 |
I completely agree with you that diversification and inclusiveness in our community is a good thing, and something we could work to bring in more of, and using such a high profile show to push this is a great idea. However, I would view hiring someone simply because they are a minority in no better of a light than hiring someone because they are a white male. If Top Gear is to continue, I think the presenters hired should be the most qualified for the job, regardless of their gender or ethnicity. If that results in another group of white male presenters, as long as the process for selection was unbiased and based solely on skills and charisma and qualities generally befitting this job, than it is still a more honest selection than picking minorities for the sake of hiring minorities. Hopefully, the people with the right skill set and who get along as well as Clarkson, May, and Hammond did (as their relationship really helped shape the show) are a more diverse group, but picking those successors based more on background and ethnicity or gender than on qualities more relevant to the show/being a presenter is not the right path to go down. Hiring the wrong people for the politically correct reasons is still hiring the wrong people, the right people need to be hired for the relevant, right reasons.
![]() 03/25/2015 at 18:30 |
Next-gen auto journalists should stop looking back in anger and embrace the future.
Automobile is a very young technology, barely 100 years, and it won't stay as is forever.
It's been a century since automobile replaced the horse, but you can still go horseback riding if you want.
Same with cars, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to go drive a vintage Miata on a race track in 2115, but personal transportation will be at such a different level then that a century old car will be extremely ridiculous.
![]() 03/25/2015 at 19:59 |
Sorry, you lost me pretty much immediately. Talent is all I'm interested in. I don't care how diverse it is.
![]() 03/25/2015 at 21:11 |
No, there is only one Top Gear format and three Top Gear presenters. Anyone who even attempts to follow in the shoes of Clarkson, May, and Hammond will fail miserably. Clarkson created the formula of the show in 2002, and it still bears his stamp. Top Gear should be cancelled, the fans will settle for no inferior substitutes.
![]() 03/25/2015 at 21:39 |
The real problem with continuing Top Gear, and finding a new host, or hosts as it's seems. Is not only the car knowledge. Any buffoon has the car knowledge to host the show.
It's the chemistry and tom foolery that makes the show great.
Yes there are Top Gear spinoff's in alot of countries. Even the U.S. But even ours did a shabby job at recreating the chemistry/hijinks of the U.K.'s Top Gear. And I don't think they did. Rutledge is the glue holding U.S.'s Top Gear together. He's the funny one. The one who colors outside the lines.
Personally I think they should just drop U.K. Top Gear, or come up with a new show in a similar format. Because even with a new host(s) it's not going to be Top Gear.
Further. The most qualified person, and the person best fit for the job should get the job. Hiring someone and making your choice based on skin color.. Even if you're choosing a darker complexion instead of the lighter one.. is well. Racist.
![]() 03/25/2015 at 21:59 |
Oh Dear Lord. What a load of twaddle. Max, you ARE the problem. Your politically correct diatribe is weak-kneed and nauseating. I know plenty of black people, Chinese people, lesbians and other women who are petrolheads and are addicted to Top Gear. My sister included. None of them are offended by Clarkson. That's because they know he's basically a buffoon, a man with an out of control tongue but with no real malice behind it. Have the fun is in waiting to see what outrageous thing he says next.
That you cannot see this critical distinction, the lack of any malice... I feel sorry for you. You are welcome to your politically correct world. Because what I know and you apparently don't, is that it's all a veneer. Underneath our society is rotten to the core and getting worse by the day. But your solution is just to paper over the cracks with a slavish devotion to appearance for appearance's sake.
And yes, I am totally okay with Idris Elba as the next James Bond. But the cast you suggest is like a collection of fine wines compared to a case of gut rot bourbon. Which is what I and most Top Gear fans, really want. To Heck with PC. (notice how I can't say the H word? That's your fault).
![]() 03/25/2015 at 23:38 |
I like the idea but I think you and I are really in the 'minority' here. Take a look at the treatment the likes of Vicky Butler Henderson gets on 5th Gear. Comments on sites like finalgear.com were atrocious and filled with outwardly and unabashed sexism. It was and is disgusting.
I applaud your idea and hope to see at least a part of it implemented but I'm not holding my breath.
![]() 03/26/2015 at 00:04 |
Before I knew anything else about cars really, I learned to use a multimeter because of female coworkers asking for help with their vehicles. I told a lady that I didn't know what I was doing, but she insisted, and practically showed me how to interpret the readings.
![]() 03/26/2015 at 02:00 |
If you've got a problem with clarkson, there's 350 million people who have a problem with you!
Your right there is nothing wrong with a little diversity, and who is stopping them, Top gear just happened to be the most successful automobile show in the world. Not because they are white men, because they are sincere and bloody entertaining, each presenter has their own opinions and their own personalities. It is because of this that we respect and watch them, ALL. Of course Clarkson is a loud, speed loving asshole, and everyone knows it. Why should he pretend not to be, he makes the network millions and he brings joy to millions of people all over the world. So what if he's makes jokes and hates his producers, jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously and producers can be replaced. Try and replace the top gear team with whomever you wont, they wont have the respect and loyalty that top gear fans give, any race, any gender it might be watchable but it wont be on the level that Top Gear ended on.
![]() 03/26/2015 at 03:12 |
No no no no and no.
Cant speak for everyone but for me it was the trio of presenters that made this show different. It really doesn't matter what you change them into be it any race or gender combination available to the human race. It just wont be Top Gear as it is loved. It will be something completely different...most likely a watered down politically correct snore fest that will constantly have big brother (BBC) watching a dictating every single line. The Christmas specials we have come to love...there is no way they reproduce those without the holy trinity that is Jeremy/James/Richard. Of the 350 million plus viewers they had last month tuning into THE Top Gear. Maybe 10% bother with the new one. Less than 5% of them will watch the second episode. I for one will be buying every episode i can find off Amazon....that way i know the BBC gets shite off me.
![]() 03/26/2015 at 04:23 |
Those sort of people are just cunts, plain and simple. They are backwards apes who seem to think that what sex you are or what skin colour or religion has an impact on how well you can do the job. I don't like VBH's style but that just me, not because she is a woman. Regardless of who hosts Top Gear they are in for a rough ride from the get go because of these Neanderthals. Don't get me wrong I like Jezza but I didn't rush to defend him when this came about, I cautiously waited until more info came about, then made the informed decision that perhaps he had run his course and that he deserved his punishment, I don't go round hitting people, so why should he?
I will support whomever takes over as I'm actually a fan of the whole Top gear ethos, I read the magazine every month and there are some great people doing great things in there like Ollie Marriage buying a Hyundai i20, turning it into a rally car and contesting Wales Rally GB, and winning his class. Perhaps one of their magazine guys could get a leg up? they'd practically be an unknown but it means that they have a clean slate to build on.
![]() 03/27/2015 at 16:07 |
Although what you have written is all well and good, and a nice idea, it needs to have a couple of components that can't be determined by race or gender. Top Gear worked, not because they were white old guys; it worked because they worked. Jeremy was a prat or as Mays said a knob. By himself the show would have failed, done and gone. The other two, like fine actors in a play meshed together. They were all juvenile and pranksters. They bickered and squabbled and relished at getting a dig in every now and then, but they gave you the feeling that their feelings for each other were kind and genuine. They knew their cars and each brought to the table their own knowledge, history, and preferences slipped into a road trip kind of craziness. You can't just put people together and have that magic happen; just watch an early episode of American Top Gear. It has taken two years to get them to mesh just a little bit, but it still doesn't seem to work real well and at times feels forced. I think Jeremy's behavior to the staff is ridiculous and he got what he deserved. I don't think he would argue. I think Top Gear will go on, but it will never reach what it had again. You can some it up to the presenters and that unique thing that happens once in a long while. There are all sorts of variety shows, but none better than Carol Burnett, Flip Wilson or Monty Python. There are all kins of late night talk shows, but none as entertaining as Graham Norton or Johnny Carson. And sadly, there are a large selection of car shows, but none as enjoyed as much as Top Gear was. All due to that unique thing that happens that doesn't come from a skin color or a gender. If Top Gear can find two or three people, whom ever they may be, who fit and enjoy to their core what they do, there is hope for the show, but again, it is a rare thing and it can't be forced, formulated or planned.